農作改良物 | Agricultural improvements |
農村社區 | Rural community |
農村社區土地重劃 | Rural community land readjustment |
農牧用地 | Farming and grazing lands |
農牧經營企業 | Agricultural and animal husbandry industries |
農業用地 | Agricultural land |
預告登記 | Registration of caution |
預售屋 | Presale house |
圖根測量 | Supplementary control |
撤銷徵收 | Cancellation of expropriation |
管理者變更登記 | Registration of change of administrator |
管道 | Pipeline |
管轄權 | Jurisdiction |
緊追權 | Hot pursuit |
維護 | Maintain |
罰鍰 | Fines |
臺灣地區人民 | People of the Taiwan Area |
需用土地人 | The applicant |
領海 | Territorial sea |
駁回 | Dismiss |