登記申請書 | Application forms |
登記清冊 | Registration lists |
登記規費 | Registration tariffs |
登記費 | Registration fees |
登記儲金 | Registration Fund |
登臨 | Visit |
等距中線 | Equidistant median line |
絕對效力 | Conclusive validity |
鄉村區 | Rural district |
開發 | Exploitation |
覘標 | Slight vane |
塗銷登記 | Registration of cancellation |
損害賠償責任 | The compensation for damage |
畸零地 | Odd lot |
經紀人員 | Broking agents |
經紀業倫理規範 | The ethics principle of broking agency |
經濟耐用年數 | Economic life |
義務人 | Obligor |
補正 | Supplement |
農地重劃 | Farmland readjustment |