Origin of the Project
Taoyuan Airport MRT not only is an important role of connecting Taoyuan and Taipei City but connects Taoyuan Aerotropolis, Taoyuan district and Zhongli district. Stations in Taoyuan district, such as A7, A11, A15, A16, A20 and A21, most of them are located in Agricultural District of Urban Planning Area or Non-urban land. Along with the first MRT in Taoyuan district, meaning Taoyuan has step in the Transit-Oriented Development(TOD) era. Land development around the MRT station should be different from old city structure, combine with Transit-Oriented Development(TOD) and the idea of Green Transport. Making urban renewal more flexible, creating a city developing space within taste and unique.
Purpose of Project
This project is overall developing by zone expropriating. Looking forward to promoting lands around MRT station developing orderly, relieving stress of living stress needed, providing public facility service and implement land using control to active local economic and sustainable development of city.
Content of Project
The applicant of this project is Ministry of Interior. Zone expropriating area including Guishan district and lands around Airport MRT A7 station, south side of the station is close to National Taiwan University of Sport and Chang Gung University, HWA YA Corporation on the west, protection district on the east and north side. The acreage of Urban Planning is 185.58 hectares, and the zone expropriation acreage after the arrangement of cadaster is 184.57 hectares. Most of the zone expropriating are Agricultural District of Urban Planning Areas and Protection Districts. To promote the reasonable land use and maintain the quality of living environment in urban planning, it is planed to the first of Residential District which doesn’t involved redevelopment area, The third of Residential District, The fourth of Residential District, The fifth of Residential District that contains appropriate housing, Central business district, Category B Industrial Estate, The second of Commercial / Manufacturing Park and Gas Industry Dedicated District… etc. totally 123.09 hectares for the buildable land. Land use for public facilities contains Land used for agency, Land used for school, Land used for Park and flood storage pond, Land used for green area, Land used for plaza, Land used for parking area, Land Used for Road Tower Land, Land used for ditch, Land used for MRT system (not involved in Zone Expropriation area), Land used for roads, Land used for substation and Land used for sewage treatment plant, totally 61.48 hectares for the area.
Current Progress
This project was adopted in the 767th meeting of Urban Planning Commission of Ministry of Interior in 1st November 2011. Although the applicant of this project is Ministry of Interior, the general affairs of zone expropriation such as announcement of lands and assets on land, announcement of revaluation, demolition of assets on land, settlement and Readjustment of land and delivery is charged by Land Administration Bureau.
This Land for compensation of this project had been drawn in September 2015. During the September to December dealt 3 times Land Readjustment affairs of Land for compensation and finished every registration of the ownership of Land for compensation, informed landowners received their Land ownership certificate. And help the delivery and assistance of public engineering.
Focus points of pushing forward
This project was estimated to deliver at the first industrial area in April 2017 and carry on at the 2nd and 3rd industrial area.
Contact us
Phone: 03-3322101 #5309
Fax: 03-3354863
Address: 5F., No.1, Xianfu Rd., Taoyuan Dist., Taoyuan City 330, Taiwan(R.O.C.)
Case Officer:Zongxian,;Ding