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  • 天氣資訊
    • 2024-07-27
    • 星期六
    • 下午 03:18
  • 災害示警

This website will suspension service announcement from 11/6 (Fri) 8pm to 11/7 (Saturday) 6pm

The Secretariat of the government is responsible for the detection of power outages for the high-voltage electrical equipment in the municipal buildings of the government (November 7th (Saturday), 109, 8 am to 11 Nov 7th (Saturday), 12:00 noon). This website will suspension service announcement from 11/6 (Fri) 8pm to 11/7 (Saturday) 6pm
During this period, the relevant network services cannot be provided, and it is normal that the network cannot be accessed smoothly. If the work is successfully completed ahead of schedule, the website service will be resumed early without notice. We apologize for the inconvenience caused.