土地徵用Expropriated use of land
土地徵收Land expropriation
土地徵收審議委員會The Land Expropriation Examination Committee
土地總登記General registration of land
土地權利信託登記Registration of the trust of land rights
土地權利變更登記Registration of changes in land rights
大陸地區人民People of the Mainland Area
大陸礁層Continental shelf
山坡地保育區Hillside conservation zones
工本費Expenses fees
工業用地Industrial land
不在地主Absentee landlord
不動產Real estate
不動產出租、出售委託契約書An entrusted contract of renting
不動產估價師Real estate appraiser
不動產估價師公會Real Estate Appraiser Guild
不動產估價師懲戒委員會A Disciplinary Committee for Real Estate Appraisers
不動產承租、承購要約書An offering document of rental
不動產糾紛調處委員會The Committee on Real Estate Dispute Conciliation
不動產租賃、買賣契約書A contract of the sale and purchase